Ik neukte eens een Russische

Don’t get it twisted, but I am here, to set the record straight.

Words can change and lose their original meaning (from the 80’s). This is something you must know and must comprehend, our languages, our words are corrupted.

For example shool-vaxxinaties, that word we still understand with the meaning from the 80’s. When it made sense and was only 40 ingredients. Now this same term/ the same word covers 160 different substances, chemicals and funghi. And all the parents have no clue, are completely Ignorant. It has become something completely different then what they think it is, and what they got and grew up with.

You can not, or should not use the same word, for something so completely different. You have to use another word voor school-vaxxines, cause it is not.

Same as with the word and meaning of the word man, and Man. Let me explain since I am the most suited, I will explain later why I am the authority on what male human nature is, and on what being a real man is.

First, what is not man and the human nature of man. Do not get it twisted, what you see on tv is programming and false, what you are looking at are actors. And sodomites playing male-roles, or the tough-guys.

Hereiking taal & definities. Woorden hun betekenis/ inhoud veranderen met de tijd. Laat je daardoor niet in slaap sussen (zie schoolvaxxinaties voor jouw kinderen, die die naam niet zouden mogen hebben).

Hetzelfde als met het woord “man”. De natuur van de man, of zijn aard is compleet anders dan wat de tv/ media je probeert wijstemaken. Het heet niet voor niets tv-programming, de tv is jouw programmeur, so you got it twisted, upside-down and in confusion. The Lie, satan and lucifer is confusion, lucifer’s light is not what you expect, it is a shadow, it is the shadow of ignorance&cowardice = luciferianism.

Op tv en in de roddelbladen zie je het gedrag van vreemdgaande low-life rocksterren of fortune 500 ceo’s, wat vertaald wordt naar de aard van de Alpha-man. Die figuren hebben niks met mannelijk of met Alpha te maken, het zijn alcoholisten, satanisten en acteurs. Wat je op tv en in de roddelbladen ziet afgebeeld is dus niet de norm, normaal of het ideaal van de man. 2% is de abnormaal, en niet het te volgen voorbeeld dus. Tv toont niet de norm, het ideaal en natuur van wat 98% van de man is. Zijn aard is rustig, betrouwbaar en loyaal.

Die hysterische karakterloze figuren die je op tv ziet zijn de abnormalen, een kleine zieke zichzelf op de borst kloppende verwaande minderheid. Dus niet iets waar jij jezelf als mens, man of maatschappij aan kan, of moet spiegelen.

(ja maar, ja maar silverback-gorrila’s dan? Luister kut-kneus, silverbacks are gorilla’s/ monkies. You are not a monkey, but a human. And humans and societies should not try to imitate fucking monkey-societies, you dumb fock. ) So don’t get it twisted.

Luister goed: De natuurlijke mens stamt van God. Man (not woman), Man is created into the likeness of God.. (His character turned into the flesh..)
Je moet die droge teksten uit de Bijbel, Koran, (Torah?) lezen als een artiest (van het leven), liederlijker, lyrischer, poetischer, zodat het gaat leven.

De echte mens stamt van God, de enige mens-achtigen die van apen afstammen zijn Joden, en Vrij-metselaars. Want die geloven die onzin en schrijven schoolboekjes vol met die satanische troep.

Don’t get it twisted bruv, het zijn psychopaten die ceo willen en kunnen worden, 100 uur per week willen werken voor extra status, het zijn zieken die alles en iedereen zullen opgeven en backstabben, continue argwanend, in competitie met iedereen, paranoia omdat ze zelf ook van die backstabbende minkukels zijn, hun eigen menselijkheid inleveren voor wat extra status en aandacht.

Dat vreemd gaan bij de vleet, dat in your face aggresive continue showen, peacocken en aandacht vragen voor je status, is voor 98% van de mannen niet hun aard, hun ambitie of van toepassing.

Omdat 98% van de mannen niet het leven of slappe karakter heeft van een beroemde rockster, omdat 98% van de mannen geen fuck geeft om social-media likes, omdat 98% van de mannen niet de ambitie, wens of motivatie heeft elke maand een nieuwe Bentley te kunnen posten op Insta, omdat 98% van de mannen geen 14-jarig attentie-geil meisje is,

snap je. Dat soort gedrag heeft helemaal niks met de “man”, of zijn menselijke aard te maken.

Ze tonen je 14-jarig meisjes-gedrag, en willen dat jij dat als de inhoud van het woord “man” ziet, en naaapt. Alsof dat continue validatie zoeken via wildvreemden en mannen het man-zijn zijn inhoud weergeeft.

But don’t you get it twisted son, wat de media je voorstelt als de “de man” en zijn “aard”. Is de natuur en de aard van 14-jarige meisjes, en flamboyante homosexuelen. En dat mag dan allemaal wel zo zijn, but don’t get it twisted you faggots. Dat gedrag, die promiscuiteit, al die schandalen in de media, al dat gedegenereerde showen. Dat hysterische gedrag heeft echt helemaal niks met macho, helemaal niks met mannelijk, of met de mannelijke aard te maken.

de “vrouw” is ook iets compleet anders dan de tv-series je wijs hebben gemaakt.

Wat je moet beseffen is dat vrouwen en mannen niet hetzelfde zijn. We zijn compleet andere wezens, complementair, maar absoluut niet gelijk of gelijkwaardig.

Don’t get it twisted bruv. Dit is wat elke fatsoenlijke man moet weten:

Vrouwen worden a-moreel geboren, en zijn chicken-brained (* die term ga ik bewijzen).
Besef goed dat de woorden en psychische gesteldheden sociopaat en psychopaat gecalibreerd zijn op een manlijke schaal en veronderstelling. Wanneer je de huidige vrouw langs dezelfde meetlat zou leggen als een man, dan kan je gerust concluderen dat afgerond 100% van de vrouwen sociopaten zijn, en daarvan is 40% gewoon kwaadwillend psychopaat, no doubt.

(programming thru language-use: when you as a man/ father repeat the lies from tv like a braindead socially accepted zombie, and claim that women are equal to man. You just put yourself as a man onto the level of the weaker species. And you just programmed yourself into being a bitch, bitch. dismissed. )

Man and woman are not the same, we are not even equals, do not kid yourselves.

Dus ik neukte eens een keer een Russische. Waar heb je’n het over !!?

Om aan te geven dat de woorden van een vrouw zelden een connectie met de realiteit hebben. Dit verhaal was een comment op het verhaal dat ik een een Iraanse neukte. maar er is zoveel uit dit verhaal te halen over wat er fout is aan de huidige “vrouw”, dat ik er een apart verhaaltje aan wijdt. En om te vookomen dat dat verhaal over die Iraanse te triest wordt.

Als je een vrouw wilt clasifiseren/ bekijken/waarderen of het “wifey-material” is,

dan zal je naar haar realiteit moeten kijken, en niet/nooit naar haar woorden. Want die betekenen niks.

(This one was 1 of 4 girls I was dating, there were 2 blondes, and she wasn´t even my favourite blonde. Invited her to come live with me when she had no roof, thought it would be funny having a party-girl in the house. Oh my, never invite a woman in your house, life becomes so dull after that, unbelievable. Women have nothing going on, no depth in their existences. And I think 85 to 90% of their brain and time is filled with just low-level garbage. It is just status and appearance = sex, more isn´t going on in a woman´s brain. And the 10% of brain that is left, they use to annoy and harass their hardworking husbands. Maybe they nag all the time because they have nothing interesting going on or to tell. And literally the only thing exciting they can come up with is cheating on their decent and loyal husbands, and that doesn´t make for good conversation at dinner, now does it.

They are all delusional and pathological lying. This one started to talk to me about having my baby when she was 3 weeks living with me, all the while being an undercover prostitute. Can you imagine? I told her that she wasn´t my girlfriend or my woman, and that she could never be. That my next girlfriend was going to be the mother of my children, and that the mother of my child would be a completely different woman to her. Completely. Told her that she should not waste time on me because we have no future together and would never be in a relationship. Told her there are many insecurities in life, but this statement is sure and will never change. That she could never be my woman/ girlfriend, told her that if she could find someone to reach her 65 with, that she should go for it (bye). Wished her all the luck in finding someone and that she shouldn´t let me stop her from finding a partner. Because she and I have absolutely no future and that we were never going to be in a relationship.

Modern women are delusional because she cried for years to me that I was her only man, all the while prostituting.
(A statement so detached from the truth and reality is not worth arguing or discussing over. When a woman lies, she lies. You can argue, have emotional discussions for 2 minute, for 2 months or 20 years, you will get nowhere. She lies, she lies. Woman lie, for a man there is no arguing or discussing anything with a woman, because you will never get to the truth. And as a man you can spend 2 days arguing, 2 months or 2 years but every second of that is wasted. There is nothing to gain in talking to a woman about the truth, it´s just a loss. You decide what the reality and truth is, and act accordingly)

And everytime she told me that, my answer was always the same. No discussions or senseless arguing, just to let her know I´m not in, and don´t want any part of her delussional life and psychopathy. I replied all the time : You don´t have to lie – Boehoe, how can you say that to me.

Well… for starters you have red-bottemed shoes lying around and hang out in hotel-lobbies for hours alone or with your girlfriends. That´s their working area, hotel-lobbies. Hotel guests know the code/ signal. If one of the girls in the group has red soles on her shoes they are all approachable for payed sex. The shoes are a signal for tricks/ hoerenlopers. They only “date” men with creditcards that buy them gifts, these gifts or clothing they put on Marktplaats/ E-bay to turn it into cash. Than they tell their surroundings or (ex)husbands that they are bussiness-women or smart hustlers. No, you are not smart, but deceptive. And not a bussiness-women but whores, prostitutes and nothing else. )

(I am a warrior of the Light, I deal in Truths and Absolutes, but even without that. There is no talking, arguing or discussing anything with a woman. Especially about the truth. It is pointless and a waste of a man´s time. If you are walking/ talking with God/ Heavens and the status = Connect, you can not be involved with people. Their low motivations/ vibrations are not the vibration of God/ Creation. It´s a very fine line to be in synch with the Creation/ Heavens/ God. If anything God is Holy and you are in perfect synch with the Creation/ Heavens, you are in that sense and time-frame what they call a holy-Man, for you are the same frequency as the One/ in synch with Creation. The women (m/v) around you, will try to drag you down to their level of existence. Like crabs in a bucket. Get you involved in their sordid affairs, on their level of existence. Which is only about materialism, they can only understand and believe in material/ physical things, yet they themselves can’t manage to be real, not 2-faced for just one minute in their entire fake, deceptive and virtue-signalling lifes. Their level of existence, what they occupy themselves with in daily life is stressing about trifling or stinking pussy, instead of talking/ connecting with God/ the Real. That is the level on which they exist, act, live. Their calibre of existence, and the level on which they live, and thus the level they will die in, a stinkin’ pussy. Bitches (m/v) will try to dragg you down to their level, like their world is important, whut? A stinking pussy? That is nothing for a man of God, when being Man, a true son of the Creation. Like I say they have no brain women, for years this one was a Kling-on, stalking me with fake social-media accounts, etc etc. Never could grasp who or what she was talking to. That state of existence, that low, is beyond relating/ comparison when reaching the Heavens/ God. You have class and low-class people (greedy, sneaky, 2-faced, rude people), but some people around you become no-class. Because you can not trade, value or compare talking to God, with talking about a stinking pussy.

There is a reason muslim-fundi´s wear jutezakken as clothing, no status, no admiration. It´s not for you, but you can read that as they´ve let go of their status/ ego, if they do it for the right reason, they know something deeper, and went further then earthly matters. They lost their materialism and they are not for status/ might or your adoration, they are for God, and on their way. There is a reason priests sit in monasteries for years, just like the monk that sits for years under a tree in silence meditating. It is to get rid of other people’s vibrations/ degeneracy. You need to be pure to deal/ walk with God (the innocence, as they call it). If you can not seclude yourself for years from society, you need stoicisme/ indifference like the Mountain.

the indifference is to your own person/ ego and life too, not just indifference to others. When working to ascent/ reach the Heavens. You can not be attached to the material world anymore (status/ego/materialism). It is easier for a camel to go thru the eye of a needle, then for a rich man to pass the Gates of Heaven, it relates to that. You can not be attached to anything physical when you want to pass the Dome and reach the Heavens/ God. The ego is part of the material world. It is connected to your status = might and dollars. The ego is probably a tricky one to lose, because it is connected to your emotions. In the Koran/ Jihaad, they call it the “death” of yourself, that’s why Jihadi can explode themselves behind enemy lines, for your body/ life is already wholy given (body & Soul) back to the Lord God itself. At His service, you serve only the Heavens/ God’s Name, indifference like a stone for your own ego/ status/ feelings etc etc and own life, as to other their existences. Stoicism you need to stay pure, to keep in synch/ alligned with the God-frequency.

Ya Gora/ I Mountain, rain or shine, peace or war, tears or laughter, the Mountain remains is just the same, not changed/ corrupted. It is thru indifference to the Divine. Anyone that formulates the previous sentence describing this mechanic different, is wrong. And talks about this mechanic only from theory, for if they knew this principale from experience or being. They would confirm and agree that my Word is the Absolute, Truth. )

Woorden van vrouwen hebben in het algemeen niks met de werkelijkheid, realiteit, waarheid of de huidige activiteit te maken.

Ze woonde jaren bij mij in, dus ik kreeg alle in’s and outs van haar dramatische familie- en hysterische privéleven mee.

Ze pretendeerde altijd deugend, aardig en spiritueel te zijn. En dat iedereen daarom altijd gemeen en jaloers op haar preutsheid was.

Dat waren de woorden, daar heb je niks aan als je een vrouw wilt kennen. De realiteit, is het enige dat spreekt voor een vrouw.

Ik kende haar koud twee dagen en ze zat al op vakantie via Skype verschillende soorten en formaten aan komkommers in haar kut te douwen voor me. Ze had de aandacht nodig. Dus ja, dan ben je met je ene hand aan het rukken, en met de andere als een razende screen-shots aan het maken. Dan kan je je nog een keertje rukken als het wat rustiger is. Maar goed, die hoertjes hebben altijd aandacht nodig en sex is hun enige currency.

Her cousins, sisters-inlaws and social surroundings in Russia detested her (they made a dedicated whatsapp-group to spit and gossip on her). All her innocence and virtues, they were all the time hating on her out of nowhere. Never her fault.

Look, it doesn’t matter what a woman says about herself or others, but when you’re on vacation in Goa, and all the Russian women there give her the stink-eye, you’ve done fucked up right.

She started fucking the ex- of her sister/ niece, just to annoy her and stay thru negativity and misery relevant in their lives. They were raised in youth under the same roof like real sisters, that´s the level of her existence, this filth, the standard of her being and proclaimed virtues. But in reality a totalled whore, slutting herself out for nothings or revenge. They do the most filthy, vile and treacherous things possible to their ex’s or friends, just to stay relevant in their lifes when ignored. And in the petty process destroy themselves over and over again. Look, she’ll even suck your dog’s dick when she knows it would emberass or traumatise you enough. They have no shame/ honour, dignity or self to lose anymore, they lost that a long, long time ago. Decades ago (* ), the first time they sold their body/sex for money, or extra priviliges at home.

(* later more on that episode. But first you need to know that under communism, green or red, under communism/socialism = semitism your body (m/v) belongs to the government. You own nothing, not even your own life. The anonime government owns it, that devaluates the life of a human inmensly, to exactly $5,- for a woman. East Europe, South America, Asia, anywhere you had socialism or semitism, the price of a woman’s sex was 5 USD. )

And these loose women also bring diseases. I fucked between 150 and 200 women, all without condom. Never had anything, The only women that ever bothered and cried to me about her monogamy transfers another man´s std to me, the one that stays. Can you imagine, her pussy starts stinking once every couple of months, and she is talking to me about it. Wut? I am in the middle of a War, I´m fighing the War of the Worlds to prevent Holland/ the Dutch from getting destroyed (vaxxines) and annihilated by the globalist forces of chaos and evil, and am not interested in women, sleeping around or sex. I have other interests, spirituality, water, the Heavens and becoming enlightened/ reaching God. Still she wants to shame me for her whore-life, like it´s my fault her pussy starts stinking, starts to bother me with these degenerate discussions like we both are whores. So again she forces me to be rude. After the first time I tell her that if she doesn´t want her pussy to smell funky, she should keep her legs closed to strange men. But understand these women drag you down to their low-level of existence, talking/ arguing to women is a waste of time because their word and words mean nothing.

Look man, you will not believe it, how far-off a woman’s word is compared to the truth and reality. Here comes the real craizy. Even her own son was an active member on that whatsapp-group spitting on her.

She told me herself, he left the group eventually when he got to borrow some monies.

This isn´t even meant as a joke, it´s just an example of how demented, absurd and detached from reality it all is.

It’s just that, when a woman starts talking about how wholesome, pure and honest she is. To convince you to commit, marry or impregnate her, you stop her mid-sentence..

You take a quick look at her surroundings, see the grim reality for what it is, and yell out :

Waar heb je’n het over !!?

Something must be very wrong in that brain/ behaviour, her own brother hates her guts too, doesn´t talk to her eventhough they live on the same terrain in Rublova/Moscow. It´s not everybody else´s fault all the time. Likely her mother destroyed her psyche during Communism by calling her ugly every day and boyish-looking without any chest/ tits. Now she still hates her own body (short and fat legs). I know this because she was always pointing to other women their legs, dumping on them. (They mirror/ projectie their own faults and frustrations).

It is true, she had a decent face but a very, very average body (all flappy and wrinkles). Her mother destroyed her but she was born defunct/ broken. Her mother was a whore too (unpayed/ a slut), always making scandals with her husbands for nothing. like a fish-market woman, they are true 3rd wold degenerates in Russia. That mother of her, her pussy was literally falling out of her body. Dumb bitch was 80 years old and her pussy was broken, had to go to the hospital for it. But still, even when she was 80 years old with her pussy litterally falling out of her body, she still was fucking with big military man 20 years junior to her. Can you imagine what whore is inside that women. Her pussy is kaput, it´s broken, 80 years old and its falling out of her body and she still can not keep her legs together for strange men. Now this one, her daughter, had the same condition, her pussy was starting to fall out of her body too. But back than she was not even 50 years old. At the time I thought that pussy was used up, from too many strange dicks inside. But her mother had the same thing, so it is a hereditary thing/ genetics. Some women are born dysfunctional and broken whores.

Her own son spits and shits on her in public on social media, her own brother despises her, and it was actually his wife that made the Whatsapp-group dumping on her.

My brain disconnected rightaway when I had to hear her complain, It could not get passed the fact that there actually exist grown adults, that would take 5 minutes of their time to waste on something childish like that. They may have their valid reasons, but I can not and don´t want to process such information, it is garbage/ trash.

You can not be connected or invested in people that have stories like that as their life. It is too degenerate, too low to be involved or connected with. For a man it is like hearing a retarded child talk, but I do not think that her case is so out of the ordinairy. This 4th grade high-school bullying behaviour is normal for grown women.

A man can not afford to be stuck at 12,13,14, years old behaviour ( at 12 already). You will get nowhere outside in the real world as a boy, and no respect on the streets as a man, when you are all about bodyshaming, gossiping behind people´s backs and assesing/ valuing your friends and surroundings only on superficial and shallow traits like looks. That flat, false and fake attitude is nothing for a man, but it is most women their existence.

Girls might mature faster then boys, but men grow and mature internally all their life. A woman her inner-thoughts and motivations do not evolve beyond 14, 15 years old. There and than it stops.

Man and woman are not the same, we are not even equals.

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